Cori Wong 2021
I am a queer feminist philosopher and biracial Asian American woman. I grew up in Idaho, studied in Pennsylvania, and live in Colorado. I love teaching and gained crucial experience in higher education administrative leadership, but now I primarily help groups reframe their diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts to become more intersectional, anti-racist, and liberatory. I'm a dreamer, writer, creative, and playful experimenter. My joy is in thoughtfully connecting with people on deeper levels, and I do this as a life-long learner. I continue to be informed and influenced by the wisdom and generosity of many whose lives, creativity, stories, and reflections have molded and shaped my own. I am profoundly grateful to those who help me better understand myself and the world around me, show me how to be a better friend in community, and support my own growth and healing. They continually inspire me to live and love whole-heartedly.
My work, in all its forms, is done in the spirit of moving towards a future where everyone thrives. I share connections among concepts and everyday personal reflections to demonstrate how we can learn about ourselves and each other in new ways. By cultivating meaningful relationships across our differences, we learn how to better support each other. This requires profound self-awareness, dialogue, and listening - practices of engaged intimacy and feminist friendship. These are ways I believe we build community and solidarity for our shared liberation. Importantly, that process can also be filled with pleasure, joy, connection, and laughter.
The way I see it, good theory meaningfully connects to practice and our lived experiences inspire the most powerful insights. I have been committed to expanding and exploring possibilities for publicly engaged philosophical practice since 2008, which the Internet makes ridiculously easy to track. It's not just the millennial in me that has created an extensive digital "paper trail." Leaving that content online is a feminist practice in vulnerability and authenticity, especially as my thoughts and ideas evolve. I believe it demonstrates how learning is a process - there's no shame in that - and our learning process is something we could all share more openly to enhance collective wisdom and cultivate our political consciousness.
My Paper Trail
I've long been committed to publicly sharing the most significant parts of my own process because I believe everyone should have access to the transformative potential of good theory. I don't like paywalls, advertisements, or any of the usual monetization tactics used by influencers and content creators. I do like experimenting, though, and am often trying out new ways to connect and break down the boundaries that separate us. It feels like a hopeful quest of curiosity, creativity, vulnerability, and generosity. For all this and more, I'm truly grateful to everyone who has ever encouraged me over the years to keep doing this work. Thank you! I'm currently exploring additional ways to share more personal notes and make it easy for others to show their support through Buy Me a Coffee (link below!).
Buy Me A Coffee

Philosophy should fill you up. It should make you think better, feel better, and do better. If it doesn't, it's not living up to its purpose as an art of living.

How Did I Get Here?

I began studying philosophy without knowing what it was, where it would take me, or how much it would change my life. It wasn’t until I started exploring questions like, “What is philosophy?” “Who is the philosopher?” and “What can philosophy do?” that I began to appreciate how philosophy can be practiced in ways that are meaningful for our everyday lives, particularly for those whose identities and experiences are marginalized by oppressive systems. Life and philosophy – the foundation for my ‘philifesophy.’

I have never been a traditional philosopher – I’ve shared more thoughts through public talks, blogs and YouTube videos than books and academic journals – but I’m passionate about what I do as a feminist philosopher because learning to think in transformative ways truly changed me. As an educator, I have seen it do the same for so many others, too. When we have the space and support to skillfully engage with big ideas and deep feelings, everything shifts.

My professional career has centered on creating inclusive organizational culture and working closely with executive leadership around equity, inclusion, and institutional transformation (what others often refer to as ‘organizational development’). Being trained in critical thinking, critical theory, and critical pedagogy provides a lens for liberation that allows me connect dots across disciplines and industries. It also helps me connect with different types of people. Basically, I’m a systems thinker who influences cultural change through genuine dialogue and authentic relationships. 

Once I started working as an administrator in higher education, I realized just how much my background in feminist theory informs my leadership, values, and commitments. And yet, it was after earning terminal degrees when my experience and learning really started to expand. (You can read more about that here.) Writers, artists, activists, and creatives, as well as students, colleagues, and friends, are my greatest teachers in life. Now, my energy still goes toward developing creative ways to share foundational concepts and basic skills so others can think for a change, too, but I’m focused on building capacity and collaborations in community so we can move together for equity and justice

Philosophy gave me tools to make sense of myself and my place in the world with responsibility and humility. Those tools allow me to continue learning more each day from various sources within and around me, but there are specific practices – ways of reflecting – that make it powerful, meaningful, and life-changing. Building on years of my own research and lived experience, I share and embody these practices through Positive Philosophy Consulting as a speaker, facilitator, consultant, and thought partner.

I’m passionate about critical reflection as a process of becoming a better person because this is necessary for creating a better world. Learning and becoming. Healing with support through our relationships. Building connection, community, and collective political consciousness. These are all practices for liberation – and they are all related.